Try to keep other elements of your baby's routine as normal as possible during the strike. ||Put a photo of a face – yours – on the side of the cot for your baby to look at. Human faces fascinate babies ||Massaging infants' arms and hands can significantly reduce their pain from needle sticks ||Toddler's appetite may change almost daily. Let her be the judge of how much she needs and wants to eat. ||If every feeding is painful or your baby isn't gaining weight, ask a lactation consultant or your baby's doctor for help ||Every milestone is an accomplishment, but it means your child is more independent and needs you a little less ||The more you help your toddler put his feelings into words (“I’m mad. I want the truck.” “I’m sad. I can’t find my bear.”), the less they will show aggressive behaviour. ||Alternate the first breast you offer at each feed ||Infants raised on breast milk tend to score higher on tests of mental development than those on formula ||Contact the doctor if your newborn isn't gaining weight, wets fewer than six diapers a day or shows little interest in feedings ||
Causes of Child's Hands Shaking


Parents are often frightened when they notice their child's hands shaking. However, this symptom rarely indicates a serious underlying condition. If the shaking continues for several days or continues coming back, a visit to your Pediatrician would be a good idea to get this further evaluated.. There are several possible causes of shaking or tremor in the hands including:


Many children, especially very young kids, struggle to express their feelings verbally. Instead, their emotions may manifest physically. If your child is experiencing anxiety, her body may tense up and then begin shaking. Encourage your child to talk about her feelings and, if the anxiety continues, consult your pediatrician.


Malnourishment, skipped meals and simple hunger can all cause low blood sugar. When the blood sugar remains low, children may experience tremors in their hands. Encourage your child to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Overactive Thyroid

An overactive thyroid is a condition in which an individual's metabolism is faster than normal which means they burn fat and energy quickly. Tiredness and weight loss are other symptoms of an overactive thyroid.


High doses of caffeine frequently cause hand tremors in adults. Children are even more susceptible to the effects of caffeine, and even one soda is enough to induce a tremor. Caffeine is not a healthy choice for children, and may stunt growth. Give your child water and unsweetened juice instead of soda and tea.

Muscle Problems

Because tremors are caused by involuntary muscle movements, some muscle problems increase the likelihood of tremors. Muscular weakness and exhaustion are especially likely to cause shaking hands.

Tourette's syndrome

Tourette's syndrome is a central nervous system disorder that causes twitching, uncontrolled movements of the body, and vocal outbursts such as yelling, grunting, or throat clearing. These symptoms are called tics. If they are tired, excited, upset, or angry, the tics can worsen.

Finally, a definite diagnosis can only be reached by a doctor talking to your child, finding out if he/she has any other symptoms, carrying out a physical examination and possibly doing investigations such as blood tests.


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