If every feeding is painful or your baby isn't gaining weight, ask a lactation consultant or your baby's doctor for help ||Colostrum is rich with all what baby needs for the first 2-3 days till the breast begins to produce milk ||For protecting young children during summer months, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside ||There are parenting mistakes that are harmless. When in doubt, ask your pediatrician ||Try to develop passions outside of work. Don't define yourself by your job, and have the courage to be imperfect. ||Never pick up your infant by the hands or wrists as this can put stress on the elbows. Lifting under the armpits is the safest way ||Alternate the first breast you offer at each feed ||AAP recommends to avoid blankets (a potential suffocation hazard) until your baby reaches her first birthday ||The sun is the most important source of Vit D ||Infant constipation is the passage of hard, dry bowel movements — not necessarily the absence of daily bowel movements ||

Bathe your baby daily in hot weather and once or twice each week in cool weather. Keep the water level below the navel or give sponge baths until a few days after the cord has fallen off. Submerging the cord could cause infection or interfere with its drying out and falling off. Getting it a little wet doesn't matter. Use tap water without any soap or a nondrying soap such as Dove. Don't forget to wash the face; otherwise, chemicals from milk or various foods build up and cause an irritated rash. Also, rinse off the eyelids with water.
Don't forget to wash the genital area. However, when you wash the inside of the female genital area (the vulva), never use soap. Rinse the area with plain water and wipe from front to back to prevent irrita¬tion. This practice and the avoidance of any bubble baths before puberty may prevent many urinary tract infections and vaginal irritations. At the end of the bath, rinse your baby well; soap residue can be irritating

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Al Sheikh Zayed - Entrance 2,Downtown Mall - In-front of Spectra ,First Floor - Clinic 113


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